Brian Stepp Cleveland

Brian Stepp wearing sunglasses and smiling

Welcome to, a website dedicated to the career, insights, and interests of Brian Stepp. Brian Stepp acknowledges that his position as the President of the non-profit organization, Veterans Serving Veterans Organization, Inc. empowers him to provide information on the important work such non-profits perform. To this point, Brian Stepp will use this website as a resource for individuals that want to learn more about the type of work Veterans Serving Veterans Organization, Inc. performs as well as how others can use their passion for helping others to improve the lives of veterans in their communities.

Veterans Serving Veterans Organization, Inc. was organized with the goal of helping families of fallen soldiers. Founded in 2017, the foundation has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of veterans as well as the spouses and children of fallen veterans by providing support via its services. This includes services such as assisting with housing, jobs, health and childcare, and grief counseling. Brian Stepp and the organization know that, when a soldier’s life is taken, their families are left to pick up the pieces while simultaneously working through life’s various other obstacles. Providing support, solidarity, and helping a family reach a sense of security is, therefore, the most impactful way to assist.

How to Help Support Veterans and Their Families

Brian Stepp realizes that there has been a recent surge in people acknowledging the value that their support has to the many organizations working to rectify systemic issues. One such issue is the lack of support that families of fallen veterans receive from their communities as they work through their grief and move towards getting their lives on track. Stepp often speaks to the many ways that individuals interested in helping the cause can offer assistance. Here, Brian Stepp of Cleveland provides a short list of ways to ensure that the family legacies of our nation’s fallen heroes are properly supported.

Volunteer with an Organization

Volunteering is an excellent way to get involved in aiding veterans and their families because organizations are consistently looking for volunteers for assisting with the variety of services that they work to provide. For example, some volunteers choose to donate time at events that are meant to show support for the families of fallen veterans. While there are multiple events throughout the year that accept volunteers, there are also organizations that need a consistent output from volunteers to perform their crucial day-to-day functions. For example, foundations that build houses for disabled veterans or the families of fallen soldiers often recruit volunteers to assist with the process. One of the benefits of volunteering is that it can be tailored to the individual, as organizations will often want to know what your interests or skills are when you apply. This means that you will likely be able to perform duties that align with the type of work that you prefer.  

Donate or Participate in Fundraisers

Donating is one of the most streamlined ways that people show support to fallen veterans and their families. To this point, most organizations that work with veterans or their families, Veterans Serving Veterans Organization, Inc. included, accept donations to fund their missions. A common misconception that some have is that their contributions have little impact- and this may lead to second guessing donation as a form of support. Brian Stepp of Cleveland maintains that donation is an excellent way to show support and expand the impact of one’s contributions. Veterans Serving Veterans Organization, Inc. also facilitates raffles where tickets can be purchased by making donations. Fundraisers are excellent for charitable organizations because, win or lose, participants are contributing to an organization’s ability to perform essential duties for others. Brian Stepp also upholds that money is not the only way to show support through donation, as organizations often accept food, clothing, furniture, electronics, and health and wellness items as well.

Reach Out

If you have an interest in helping volunteer organizations reach their goals, reaching out to organizations nearby that are doing work on the ground to assist others is a great way to show support. In some cases, organizations can point you in the direction of projects that could use more volunteer assistance. This often shows potential volunteers opportunities that they may not have stumbled upon otherwise. For example, Veterans Serving Veterans Organization, Inc. provides several different types of dogs to meet the needs of veterans including service dogs, emotional support dogs, and therapy dogs. For dogs to best assist veterans, they need to be exceptionally well trained. Certified volunteer handlers help ensure that service dogs are well taken care of and are trained in ways that allow them to support the needs of their eventual owners.

Brian Stepp of Cleveland acknowledges that there are numerous ways to become involved helping either veterans or their families. He realizes that there are many resources out there that break down the process for others, however, there are certainly individuals that may not have the full picture of the work that these organizations perform. For this reason, Brian hopes to act as a resource for people that wish to learn more about how groups such as Veterans Serving Veterans Organization, Inc. work towards their goal of assisting the families of fallen soldiers. Future posts will include topics such as the importance of providing emotional and mental health support for families, how organizations have conducted certain duties during the COVID-19 pandemic, and what skills benefit non-profit volunteers.